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Welcome to the Geography Site gallery of royalty free images.

You have permission to use these images for most non-commercial educational uses (that includes homework, lessons and wall displays). You can search by clicking on the categories in the gallery, or by entering keywords in the searchbox.




Enter some key words in the search box, or explore the gallery through the directory titles below. Unless you know where to find what you want it's best to use the search box as that will return all references to your search words throughout the gallery.





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Please note that these images are not public domain. The copyright of each image remains with the photographer, and use other than as described above may constitute a breach of copyright. If you wish to use these images for other purposes you should contact us specifying your needs, or go here to read more about our copyright terms and conditions.

We value your ideas and suggestions. Please contact the maintainer of this site.

This page can be found at:

Last update to this statement was on: December 7, 2006

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