Alternative Energy: At home and at work
These links have been carefully selected and were considered relevant and suitable for school use at the time of checking. Clicking on them will take you to other web sites over which we have no control. If you have any doubts or concerns please check what is at the other end before using them in lessons. If you find any broken, re-directed or dead links please let us know.
Renewable Energy UK (REUK) This is an excellent site for either school or personal use. Offering good articles and explanations covering many aspects of renewable energy, it is ideal for project work, lesson information, and reading for general interest. It is also a very good site for anyone interested in developing their own renewable energy projects.
Renewable Energy in the UK (Hi Energy)
Thanks to its geography and abundance of renewable and alternative energy sources,
the Highlands and Islands of Scotland are poised to become the Green powerhouse of the UK. A very interesting site.
Solar Energy Technologies Program
This web site is provided by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy. As well as covering the basics it looks at
leading edge technologies such as the use of fibre optics to feed sunlight
to underground rooms. The pages are easy to read and should be liked by most
students seeking project work materials or doing background research.
Power from the people - A BBC news article
This is a student friendly news article that explores issues around powering your own home with alternative energy.
Energy Saving Trust - Housing and Buildings
A useful site with sections on each of the common renewable energy technologies. There are also some case studies and topic news articles. The rest of the site may be too specialist and technical for most school users- covering planning permission etc.
Solar Power, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
A hugely useful article that covers everything from solar cooking to solar power in Australia. Excellent for older students- younger ones will need teacher help to stay on track and focused.
Renewable Energy, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
As with the solar power, its a comprehensive article covering a wide range of topic areas. The quantity of information and links to specific subjects does mean that younger students may need teacher help to stay on track and focused.
Solar Power case study in Nigeria.
A case study provided by a charitable organisation dedicated to solar rural electrification and energy SELF-sufficiency in developing countries. This looks at villages in Nigeria, and how solar power has changed them.
The Solar Guide
This web site aims to make solar energy accessible and understandable to you.
The Solar Guide aims to give consumers the practical information they want,
about how systems like solar, wind and geothermal work, buying solar systems
and renewable energy systems.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The site covers solar power, wind turbines, hydro-electricity, bio-mass fuel, hydrogen and ocean power. Good clear explanations of all the topics supported by diagrams and photographs. Includes a student resources section.
Advanced Technology Vehicles
In response to growing concern over air pollution and our nation's reliance on imported oil, the U.S. Department of Energy has been working with automakers and industry partners to develop vehicle technologies that are virtually pollution free and powered by abundant, renewable, domestic resources. One such promising transportation technology is the fuel cell vehicle. Go here to learn more.
Geothermal Energy
A good introduction to geothermal energy- what it is, how it is accessed, harnessed and used. It's a short page but a good introduction to the topic. Ideal for 11 to 14 year olds.
Wind with Miller
A site designed specifically for schools and their younger students. A combination of informative text, photographs and cartoons makes the topic entertaining and easy to understand. The site tries to make you use Internet Explorer but, thankfully, it seems to work fine with many other browsers too.
Can't find the link you need? Try searching through Google
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