This is the Schoolzone five star award logo. Schoolzone is one of the largest educational resource reviewers in the UK, and their site is a very useful starting point if you wish to locate specific educational resources on the Internet. To quote their own site...

The web site is run and owned by Ltd. Schoolzone was set up by a group of enthusiastic teachers and parents in Oxford in 1997. We could see the need for safe, differentiated Internet material which teachers, students and parents can access easily.  So we devised Schoolzone and, with the help of over 400 UK teachers created the site as you now see it. Currently Schoolzone receives up to a million users every month, making it one of the UK's most used sites, as well as the biggest - we list 41,000 educational sites reviewed by teachers, 6,000 events & organisers, 35,000 schools and colleges, 6,200 educational suppliers and many, many thousands of educational products and services.

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